Gustavo Oliveira-Santos
Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC - 2006), obtained his master's degree in Ecology and Conservation at Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS - 2009) and his PhD in Ecology at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ - 2013).
Gustavo has broad interests in Ecology. He has dedicated much of his efforts in understanding animal populations (demography and movement). Furthermore, he loves to develop analytical tools to tackle different issues in animal behavior. Currently, he is professor in the Ecology Department from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, advising undergrad and graduate students in the Animal Biology Program and in the Ecology and Conservation Program. He strongly warrants that Flamengo is the best soccer team in the world. |
Pâmela C. Antunes
Marcos Tortato
Thiago Matheus
Vitor Q. A. Sanches
Patrícia Shibuya
Márcia Marrie
Samara Medeiros
Larissa Lopes
Ana C. França
Larissa works with population and movement ecology of freshwater turtles in urban rivers. In her scientific initiation in Biological Sciences, she is VHF and GPS-tracking, as well as capturing and marking Phrynops geoffroanus in a small urban stream.
Ana is using temporal series of capture-mark-recapture of fresh water turtles in urban rivers to figure out the body growth curve of this organism. His research will allow to assign the age (in years) for each captured individual based on its size, aiming estimate the age structure for this turtle population.
Matheus H. Justino
Matheus is carrying out his monograph in Biological Sciences by investigating the movement ecology of freshwater turtles. Specifically, he is VHF-tracking Phrynops geoffroanus to figure out how far it can move (home range size), if there are relevant urban barriers to its movement, and if there is sexual differences in the home range sizes.
Cláudia Kanda